Experts may tell you that Indian food is prepared with a medicinal base drawn from traditional recipes but Indian food is probably the nation’s favourite dish just because it tastes so good. If you are looking for a delicious meal for a special occasion, Bharat Gangaram offers the finest Indian vegetarian catering in London and we also provide Indian vegetarian catering services for outside events so you can enjoy the best Indian food at your special party or a formal occasion.
Indian traditional food has its foundations in spices and flavours which were originally used for medicinal purposes – this is according to the authors of a brand new study which was performed at the Indian Institute of Technology. So it’s not a coincidence then that Indian food can soothe tummy trouble, clear your sinuses and also make you feel relaxed and restored.
Spices need no introduction and they play a major role in traditional Indian food and Gujarati dishes. Popular spices are turmeric, hot peppers, coriander and cumin, these are superfoods with optimal nutrition.
With the chilly months to come, Indian food can really warm you up and boost your mental and physical wellbeing, it is the food which warms the heart as well as soothes the soul.
The warm, colourful spices of Gujarati dishes can boost endorphins which are the chemical messengers produced by the central nervous system and the pituitary gland. Endorphins act on the opiate receptors in the human brain and reduce pain as well as boost pleasure. So an endorphin release can result in a sensation of well being and lift your mood, providing that feel-good factor and a release of energy.
Always make sure that the Indian food you choose is made from the highest quality ingredients. Bharat Gangaram has an enviable reputation amongst foodies providing Indian vegetarian food via our Indian vegetarian catering services which provide onsite catering for your special event or party. To get the best, pick Bharat Gangaram.